Product Spotlight: Moroccan Mint Wax Tarts

One thing I used to do when I was a little girl was pick mint tea leaves. My dad and I would go over to our neighbors house and pick the leaves on the side of her property. Mary was a nice elderly woman who lived alone but she was always friendly with us. She would always offer me tea and occasionally some candy! We always wondered why she had so many tea leaves but she never picked any herself. One day we asked and she said “I never planted them! They showed up and I shared them with everyone!”. My mom grew tea leaves a few years later in an old barrel planter. The tea leaves grew so rapidly it split the barrel and started growing in the surrounding grass! Take my advice, one plant it enough!

It’s my childhood memories that led me to this soothing scent. It’s one of my more mild offerings but its calming sweetness is a great way to relax after a long day. It melts nicely and I’ve only needed 2 cubes of wax to fill our living room! The light green color was a nod to the leaves but I made it more pastel to coordinate with the tea theme. It’s my personal favorite for a relaxing scent since Lavender gives me headaches. It’s a lot less intense than Lavender too! I should try it the next time I have a headache…

moroccan mint review

This review was great! The customer asked me what the scent was like and I described it as “A mild mint tea-plant” and she bought it! Hopefully this is a sign of more interested buyers!

These wax tarts are currently listed on my Etsy site at $5 USD per package. Only 9 clamshells are available so unless my customer beats you to it you’ll have plenty of clamshells to choose from!

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